When there is a zig-zag, this indicator will test to see if the zig-zag meets the criteria set up by the user before plotting a new Fibonacci box. You can pick from either higher highs or lower highs for bearish patterns, and higher lows or lower lows for bullish patterns. Both patterns can be set to use both when finding new boxes if you want to make it more sensitive. You also have the option to filter based on minimum and maximum size. If the box isn't within the selected size range, it will simply be ignored. The pivot levels can be configured to use either candle wicks or candle bodies. By default this is configured to use candle wick with a lookforward of 5 and lookback of 10.
We have included alerts for Fibonacci level crosses, Fibonacci time crosses, and target hits. All alerts are found in the add alert section built into tradingview to make alert creation as easy as possible. Each alert is labeled with their correct names to make navigation simple.
W.D. Gann, a renowned figure in the world of trading and market analysis, is often questioned for his use of Fibonacci levels in his strategies. However, evidence points to the fact that Gann did not directly employ Fibonacci price levels in his work. Instead, Gann had his unique approach, dividing price ranges into thirds, eighths, and other fractions, which, although somewhat aligning with Fibonacci levels, are not exact matches. It is clear that Gann was familiar with Fibonacci and the golden ratio, as references to them appear in his recommended reading list and some of his writings. Despite this awareness, Gann chose not to incorporate Fibonacci levels explicitly in his methodologies, preferring instead to use his divisions of price and time. Notably, Gann's emphasis on the 50% level—a marker not associated with Fibonacci numbers—further illustrates his departure from Fibonacci usage. This level, despite its popularity among some Fibonacci enthusiasts, does not stem from Fibonacci's sequence. This is why we opted to call this indicator Fibonacci Archer Box instead of a Gann Box as we didn't feel like it was appropriate.
// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © ChartPrime
indicator("Fibonacci Archer Box [ChartPrime]", overlay = true, max_lines_count = 500, max_labels_count = 500, max_polylines_count = 100, max_bars_back = 5000)
type pivot
float current = na
int current_idx = na
float previous = na
int previous_idx = na
type fib_box
line[] body_x
line[] body_y
line[] fan_upper
line[] fan_lower
line[] target
polyline[] angles
label[] labels
type box_settings
bool levels
bool[] enabled_levels
bool times
bool[] enabled_time
bool fan
bool[] enabled_fan
bool extend_fan
bool angles
bool[] enabled_angle
color[] colors
float fill_alpha
bool enable_level_fill
bool enable_time_fill
bool enable_fan_fill
bool enable_angle_fill
bool enable_labels
bool[] enable_target
int[] x_target_value
int[] y_target_value
bool enable_target_fill
float target_fill_alpha
target_switch(string target)=>
switch target
"0.236" => 1
"0.382" => 2
"0.5" => 3
"0.618" => 4
"0.786" => 5
"1" => 6
fib(float n)=>
(math.pow(math.phi, n) - math.pow(-math.phi, -1)) / math.sqrt(5)
fib_level(int n) =>
cycle_offset = 5 - n % 6
fib_offset = cycle_offset < 1 ? 0 : cycle_offset == 1 ? 0.5 : cycle_offset > 3 ? cycle_offset - 2 : cycle_offset - 1
complete_cycles = math.max(0, math.floor(n/6))
complete_cycles + math.round(cycle_offset == 3 ? 0.5 : (n > -1 ? fib(40 + fib_offset) / fib(40 + fib_offset + fib_offset) : 0), 3)
create_box_locations(float price_range, int idx_range)=>
int[] x = array.new()
float[] y = array.new()
for i = -1 to 5
float fib = fib_level(i)
x.push(int(idx_range * fib))
y.push(price_range * fib)
[x, y]
method dump(line[] self)=>
if self.size() > 0
for i = self.size() - 1 to 0
method dump(polyline[] self)=>
if self.size() > 0
for i = self.size() - 1 to 0
method dump(label[] self)=>
if self.size() > 0
for i = self.size() - 1 to 0
method dump(fib_box[] self, int history)=>
if self.size() > (history - 1)
fib_box get = self.first()
generate_ellipse(int start_x, int end_x, float start_y, float end_y, bool order)=>
chart.point[] points = array.new()
float w = (end_x - start_x)
float h = (end_y - start_y)
int x = na
int start = order ? 0 : 90
int end = order ? 90 : 0
for i = 0 to 90
int new_x = int(w * math.cos(math.toradians(i)))
float y = h * math.sin(math.toradians(i))
if x != new_x
points.push(chart.point.new(na, start_x + x, start_y + y))
x := new_x
if order
points.unshift(chart.point.new(na, end_x, start_y))
points.push(chart.point.new(na, start_x, end_y))
points.unshift(chart.point.new(na, start_x, end_y))
points.push(chart.point.new(na, end_x, start_y))
target_box(chart.point[] angle, int[] x, float[] y, int start_x, float start_y, int p, int x_target, int y_target)=>
chart.point[] target_box = array.new()
for i = 0 to angle.size() - 1
chart.point angle_point = angle.get(i)
int angle_idx = angle_point.index
if angle_idx >= (start_x + x.get(x_target - 1)) and angle_idx <= (start_x + x.get(x_target))
target_box.push(chart.point.new(na, start_x + x.get(x_target - 1), start_y + y.get(y_target) * p))
target_box.push(chart.point.new(na, start_x + x.get(x_target), start_y + y.get(y_target) * p))
target_box.push(chart.point.new(na, start_x + x.get(x_target), start_y + y.get(y_target - 1) * p))
f_sort(int[] x, int[] y, bool[] enable)=>
int[] temp = array.new()
int[] new_x = array.new()
int[] new_y = array.new()
bool[] new_enable = array.new()
for i = 0 to 2
int score = y.get(i) + math.max(0, x.get(i) - y.get(i))
if i == 0
else if i == 1
if score > temp.max()
if score > temp.max()
else if score < temp.min()
new_x.insert(1, x.get(i))
new_y.insert(1, y.get(i))
new_enable.insert(1, enable.get(i))
[new_x, new_y, new_enable]
create_fib_box(float bottom, float top, int start_idx, float price_range, int idx_range, bool polarity, box_settings s)=>
color na_color = color.new(color.black, 100)
line[] body_x = array.new()
line[] body_y = array.new()
line[] fan_upper = array.new()
line[] fan_lower = array.new()
line[] target = array.new()
polyline[] angles = array.new()
label[] labels = array.new()
[_x, _y] = create_box_locations(price_range, idx_range)
[new_x, new_y, new_target_enable] = f_sort(s.x_target_value, s.y_target_value, s.enable_target)
int x_point = 0
int y_point = 0
int target_point = 0
int fan_point = s.enabled_fan.some() ? s.enabled_fan.indexof(true) : 6
int angle_point = s.enabled_angle.some() ? s.enabled_angle.indexof(true) : 0
int angle_start = s.enabled_angle.indexof(true)
float y_start = polarity ? bottom : top
float y_end = polarity ? top : bottom
int p = polarity ? 1 : -1
for i = 0 to 6
float fib_level = fib_level(i - 1)
color c = s.colors.get(i)
int x = _x.get(i)
float y = _y.get(i)
bool x_enabled = s.enabled_time.get(i)
bool y_enabled = s.enabled_levels.get(i)
bool fan_enabled = s.enabled_fan.get(i)
bool angle_enabled = s.enabled_angle.get(i)
body_y.push(line.new(start_idx, y_start + y * p, idx_range + start_idx, y_start + y * p, color = y_enabled and s.levels ? c : na_color))
if y_enabled and s.enable_labels and s.levels
labels.push(label.new(start_idx + idx_range, y_start + y * p, str.tostring(fib_level) + " (" + str.tostring(y_start + y * p, format.mintick) + ")", color = na_color, style = label.style_label_left, textcolor = c))
body_x.push(line.new(start_idx + x, y_start, start_idx + x, y_end, color = x_enabled and s.times ? c : na_color))
if x_enabled and s.enable_labels and s.times
labels.push(label.new(start_idx + x, bottom, str.tostring(fib_level), color = na_color, style = label.style_label_up, textcolor = c))
if i > 0
chart.point[] angle_points = generate_ellipse(start_idx, start_idx + x, y_start, y_start + y * p, true)
if target_point <= 2 and s.enable_target_fill
if i == new_y.get(target_point) + math.max(0, new_x.get(target_point) - new_y.get(target_point))
chart.point[] target_points = target_box(angle_points, _x, _y, start_idx, y_start, p, new_x.get(target_point), new_y.get(target_point))
if new_target_enable.get(target_point)
angles.push(polyline.new(target_points, false, false, xloc.bar_index, na_color, color.new(c, math.max(0, s.target_fill_alpha))))
target_point += 1
if i == angle_point
chart.point[] back_points = array.new()
back_points.push(chart.point.new(na, start_idx + x, y_start))
back_points.push(chart.point.new(na, start_idx, y_start))
back_points.push(chart.point.new(na, start_idx, y_start + y * p))
angles.push(polyline.new(back_points, false, false, xloc.bar_index, na_color, s.angles and angle_enabled and s.enable_angle_fill ? color.new(c, s.fill_alpha) : na_color))
angles.push(polyline.new(angle_points, false, false, xloc.bar_index, s.angles and angle_enabled ? c : na_color, s.angles and angle_enabled and s.enable_angle_fill ? color.new(c, s.fill_alpha) : na_color))
chart.point[] back_points = generate_ellipse(start_idx, start_idx + _x.get(angle_point), y_start, y_start + _y.get(angle_point) * p, false)
chart.point[] angle_fill = back_points.concat(angle_points)
angles.push(polyline.new(angle_fill, false, false, xloc.bar_index, na_color, s.angles and angle_enabled and s.enable_angle_fill ? color.new(c, s.fill_alpha) : na_color))
angles.push(polyline.new(angle_points, false, false, xloc.bar_index, s.angles and angle_enabled ? c : na_color, na_color))
if i > 0
if s.fan
fan_upper.push(line.new(start_idx, y_start, start_idx + x, y_end, extend = s.extend_fan ? extend.right : extend.none, color = fan_enabled ? c : na_color))
if i < 6
fan_lower.push(line.new(start_idx, y_start, idx_range + start_idx, y_start + y * p, extend = s.extend_fan ? extend.right : extend.none, color = fan_enabled ? c : na_color))
if s.enable_level_fill and y_enabled and s.levels
linefill.new(body_y.get(y_point), body_y.get(i), color.new(c, s.fill_alpha))
if s.enable_time_fill and x_enabled and s.times
linefill.new(body_x.get(x_point), body_x.get(i), color.new(c, s.fill_alpha))
if s.enable_fan_fill and s.fan
if fan_enabled and i < 6
linefill.new(fan_upper.get(i - 1), fan_upper.get(fan_point - 1), color.new(s.colors.get(i - 1), s.fill_alpha))
linefill.new(fan_lower.get(i - 1), fan_lower.get(fan_point - 1), color.new(s.colors.get(i - 1), s.fill_alpha))
if i == 6 and fan_point != 6
linefill.new(fan_lower.get(fan_point - 1), fan_upper.get(i - 1), color.new(s.colors.get(fan_point), s.fill_alpha))
linefill.new(fan_upper.get(fan_point - 1), fan_upper.get(i - 1), color.new(s.colors.get(fan_point), s.fill_alpha))
if y_enabled
y_point := i
if x_enabled
x_point := i
if fan_enabled
fan_point := i
if angle_enabled
angle_point := i
if s.enable_target.some()
for i = 0 to 2
if s.enable_target.get(i)
target.push(line.new(start_idx, y_start, start_idx + _x.get(s.x_target_value.get(i)), y_start + _y.get(s.y_target_value.get(i)) * p, style = line.style_arrow_right, color = color.from_gradient(1, 0, 2, s.colors.get(s.x_target_value.get(i)), s.colors.get(s.y_target_value.get(i))), width = 3))
fib_box.new(body_x, body_y, fan_upper, fan_lower, target, angles, labels)
in_box(float max, float min, int start_idx)=>
bool inside = true
for i = 0 to (bar_index - start_idx)
if close[i] > max or close[i] < min
inside := false
const string pivot_group = "Pivot"
string pivot_type = input.string("Wick", "Pivot Style", ["Wick", "Body"], group = pivot_group)
int pivot_back = input.int(10, "Pivot Lookback", minval = 1, group = pivot_group)
int pivot_forward = input.int(5, "Pivot Lookforward", minval = 1, group = pivot_group)
int maximum_range = input.int(50, "Maximum Size", minval = 1, group = pivot_group)
int minimum_range = input.int(20, "Minimum Size", minval = 1, group = pivot_group)
const string style_group = "Reversal Settings"
string enable_box = input.string("Both", "Direction", ["Both", "Bullish", "Bearish", "None"], group = style_group)
string bullish_style = input.string("Both", "Bullish Reversal Style", ["Higher Low", "Lower Low", "Both"], group = style_group)
string bearish_style = input.string("Both", "Bearish Reversal Style", ["Higher High", "Lower High", "Both"], group = style_group)
int history_length = input.int(1, "History", minval = 1, maxval = 8, group = style_group)
const string target_group = "Targets"
bool enable_target_1 = input.bool(true, "Enable Target", group = target_group)
string x_target_1 = input.string("0.5", "Target Location", ["0.236", "0.382", "0.5", "0.618", "0.786", "1"], inline = "Target1", group = target_group)
string y_target_1 = input.string("0.618", "", ["0.236", "0.382", "0.5", "0.618", "0.786", "1"], inline = "Target1", group = target_group)
bool enable_target_2 = input.bool(true, "Enable Target", group = target_group)
string x_target_2 = input.string("0.382", "Target Location", ["0.236", "0.382", "0.5", "0.618", "0.786", "1"], inline = "Target2", group = target_group)
string y_target_2 = input.string("0.786", "", ["0.236", "0.382", "0.5", "0.618", "0.786", "1"], inline = "Target2", group = target_group)
bool enable_target_3 = input.bool(true, "Enable Target", group = target_group)
string x_target_3 = input.string("0.236", "Target Location", ["0.236", "0.382", "0.5", "0.618", "0.786", "1"], inline = "Target3", group = target_group)
string y_target_3 = input.string("1", "", ["0.236", "0.382", "0.5", "0.618", "0.786", "1"], inline = "Target3", group = target_group)
const string levels = "Levels"
bool enable_levels = input.bool(true, "Enable Fibonacci Retracement Levels", group = levels)
bool enable_level_0 = input.bool(true, "Enable Fibonacci Retracement 0", group = levels)
bool enable_level_1 = input.bool(true, "Enable Fibonacci Retracement 0.236", group = levels)
bool enable_level_2 = input.bool(true, "Enable Fibonacci Retracement 0.382", group = levels)
bool enable_level_3 = input.bool(true, "Enable Fibonacci Retracement 0.5", group = levels)
bool enable_level_4 = input.bool(true, "Enable Fibonacci Retracement 0.618", group = levels)
bool enable_level_5 = input.bool(true, "Enable Fibonacci Retracement 0.786", group = levels)
bool enable_level_7 = input.bool(true, "Enable Fibonacci Retracement 1", group = levels)
const string times = "Times"
bool enable_times = input.bool(true, "Enable Fibonacci Time Lines", group = times)
bool enable_time_0 = input.bool(true, "Enable Fibonacci Time 0", group = times)
bool enable_time_1 = input.bool(true, "Enable Fibonacci Time 0.236", group = times)
bool enable_time_2 = input.bool(true, "Enable Fibonacci Time 0.382", group = times)
bool enable_time_3 = input.bool(true, "Enable Fibonacci Time 0.5", group = times)
bool enable_time_4 = input.bool(true, "Enable Fibonacci Time 0.618", group = times)
bool enable_time_5 = input.bool(true, "Enable Fibonacci Time 0.786", group = times)
bool enable_time_7 = input.bool(true, "Enable Fibonacci Time 1", group = times)
const string fan = "Fan"
bool enable_fan = input.bool(false, "Enable Fibonacci Fan", group = fan)
bool extend_fan = input.bool(false, "Extend Fan", group = fan)
bool enable_fan_1 = input.bool(true, "Enable Fibonacci Retracement 0.236", group = fan)
bool enable_fan_2 = input.bool(true, "Enable Fibonacci Retracement 0.382", group = fan)
bool enable_fan_3 = input.bool(true, "Enable Fibonacci Retracement 0.5", group = fan)
bool enable_fan_4 = input.bool(true, "Enable Fibonacci Retracement 0.618", group = fan)
bool enable_fan_5 = input.bool(true, "Enable Fibonacci Retracement 0.786", group = fan)
bool enable_fan_6 = input.bool(true, "Enable Fibonacci Retracement 1", group = fan)
const string angle_group = "Angle"
bool enable_angles = input.bool(true, "Enable Fibonacci Angles", group = angle_group)
bool enable_angle_1 = input.bool(true, "Enable Fibonacci Angle 0.236", group = angle_group)
bool enable_angle_2 = input.bool(true, "Enable Fibonacci Angle 0.382", group = angle_group)
bool enable_angle_3 = input.bool(true, "Enable Fibonacci Angle 0.5", group = angle_group)
bool enable_angle_4 = input.bool(true, "Enable Fibonacci Angle 0.618", group = angle_group)
bool enable_angle_5 = input.bool(true, "Enable Fibonacci Angle 0.786", group = angle_group)
bool enable_angle_6 = input.bool(true, "Enable Fibonacci Angle 1", group = angle_group)
const string markers_group = "Markers"
bool show_crosses = input.bool(true, "Show Fibonacci Level Crosses", group = markers_group)
bool show_target_hit = input.bool(true, "Show Target Hit", group = markers_group)
bool enable_labels = input.bool(true, "Show Labels", group = markers_group)
const string color_group = "Visual"
float fill_alpha = input.float(94, "Fill Alpha", minval = 0, maxval = 100, group = color_group)
bool enable_level_fill = input.bool(true, "Enable Body Fill", group = color_group)
bool enable_time_fill = input.bool(true, "Enable Time Fill", group = color_group)
bool enable_fan_fill = input.bool(true, "Enable Fan Fill", group = color_group)
bool enable_angle_fill = input.bool(true, "Enable Angle Fill", group = color_group)
bool enable_target_fill = input.bool(true, "Enable Target Fill", group = color_group)
float target_fill_alpha = input.float(50, "Target Fill Alpha", minval = 0, maxval = 100, group = color_group)
color color_0 = input.color(#77787F, "0", group = color_group)
color color_1 = input.color(#F42537, "0.236", group = color_group)
color color_2 = input.color(#F28900, "0.382", group = color_group)
color color_3 = input.color(#46A642, "0.5", group = color_group)
color color_4 = input.color(#108C75, "0.618", group = color_group)
color color_5 = input.color(#0CAABF, "0.786", group = color_group)
color color_7 = input.color(#77787F, "1", group = color_group)
color target_hit_color = input.color(#463cd4, "Target Hit Color", group = color_group)
const bool[] enabled_levels = array.from(enable_level_0, enable_level_1, enable_level_2, enable_level_3, enable_level_4, enable_level_5, enable_level_7)
const bool[] enabled_time = array.from(enable_time_0, enable_time_1, enable_time_2, enable_time_3, enable_time_4, enable_time_5, enable_time_7)
const bool[] enabled_fan = array.from(false, enable_fan_1, enable_fan_2, enable_fan_3, enable_fan_4, enable_fan_5, enable_fan_6)
const bool[] enabled_angles = array.from(false, enable_angle_1, enable_angle_2, enable_angle_3, enable_angle_4, enable_angle_5, enable_angle_6)
const color[] colors = array.from(color_0, color_1, color_2, color_3, color_4, color_5, color_7)
bool[] enabled_targets = array.from(enable_target_1, enable_target_2, enable_target_3)
int[] x_target_value = array.from(target_switch(x_target_1), target_switch(x_target_2), target_switch(x_target_3))
int[] y_target_value = array.from(target_switch(y_target_1), target_switch(y_target_2), target_switch(y_target_3))
box_settings settings = box_settings.new(enable_levels
, enabled_levels
, enable_times
, enabled_time
, enable_fan
, enabled_fan
, extend_fan
, enable_angles
, enabled_angles
, colors
, fill_alpha
, enable_level_fill
, enable_time_fill
, enable_fan_fill
, enable_angle_fill
, enable_labels
, enabled_targets
, x_target_value
, y_target_value
, enable_target_fill
, target_fill_alpha)
bool bullish_enable = enable_box == "Bullish" or enable_box == "Both"
bool bearish_enable = enable_box == "Bearish" or enable_box == "Both"
float high_source = pivot_type == "Wick" ? high : math.max(open, close)
float low_source = pivot_type == "Wick" ? low : math.min(open, close)
var bool active = false
var float current_top_value = 0
var float current_bottom_value = 0
var int current_end_idx = na
var bool polarity = na
var fib_box[] fib_boxes = array.new()
var pivot pivot_high = pivot.new(na, na, na, na)
var pivot pivot_low = pivot.new(na, na, na, na)
bool ph = not na(ta.pivothigh(high_source, pivot_back, pivot_forward))
bool pl = not na(ta.pivotlow(low_source, pivot_back, pivot_forward))
if ph
pivot_high := pivot.new(high_source[pivot_forward], bar_index - pivot_forward, pivot_high.current, pivot_high.current_idx)
if pl
pivot_low := pivot.new(low_source[pivot_forward], bar_index - pivot_forward, pivot_low.current, pivot_low.current_idx)
bool same_idx = pivot_high.current_idx == pivot_low.current_idx
float high_bull = same_idx ? pivot_high.previous : pivot_high.current
int high_bull_idx = same_idx ? pivot_high.previous_idx : pivot_high.current_idx
if pivot_low.current != current_bottom_value
and high_bull > pivot_low.current
and (bullish_style == "Lower Low" ? pivot_low.current < pivot_low.previous : bullish_style == "Higher Low" ? pivot_low.current > pivot_low.previous : true)
and high_source[pivot_forward] < high_bull
and pivot_low.current_idx > high_bull_idx
and bullish_enable
and barstate.isconfirmed
and not active
float price_range = high_bull - pivot_low.current
int idx_range = (pivot_low.current_idx - high_bull_idx) * 2
if bar_index < (pivot_low.current_idx + idx_range)
and in_box(high_bull, pivot_low.current, pivot_low.current_idx)
and idx_range >= minimum_range
and idx_range <= maximum_range
fib_boxes.push(create_fib_box(pivot_low.current, high_bull, pivot_low.current_idx, price_range, idx_range, true, settings))
current_top_value := high_bull
current_bottom_value := pivot_low.current
current_end_idx := pivot_low.current_idx + idx_range
active := true
polarity := true
float low_bear = same_idx ? pivot_low.previous : pivot_low.current
int low_bear_idx = same_idx ? pivot_low.previous_idx : pivot_low.current_idx
if pivot_high.current != current_top_value
and pivot_high.current > low_bear
and (bearish_style == "Higher High" ? pivot_high.current > pivot_high.previous : bearish_style == "Lower High" ? pivot_high.current < pivot_high.previous : true)
and pivot_high.current_idx > low_bear_idx
and bearish_enable
and barstate.isconfirmed
and not active
float price_range = pivot_high.current - low_bear
int idx_range = (pivot_high.current_idx - low_bear_idx) * 2
if bar_index < (pivot_high.current_idx + idx_range)
and in_box(pivot_high.current, low_bear, pivot_high.current_idx)
and idx_range >= minimum_range
and idx_range <= maximum_range
fib_boxes.push(create_fib_box(low_bear, pivot_high.current, pivot_high.current_idx, price_range, idx_range, false, settings))
current_top_value := pivot_high.current
current_bottom_value := low_bear
current_end_idx := pivot_high.current_idx + idx_range
active := true
polarity := false
bool[] level_alerts = array.new(7, false)
bool[] time_alerts = array.new(7, false)
bool[] target_alert = array.new(3, false)
if active and barstate.isconfirmed
fib_box current_box = fib_boxes.last()
for i = 6 to 0
time_line = current_box.body_x.get(i)
level_line = current_box.body_y.get(i)
if enabled_levels.get(i)
if polarity
if close[1] < level_line.get_y2() and close >= level_line.get_y2()
level_alerts.set(i, true)
if close[1] > level_line.get_y2() and close <= level_line.get_y2()
level_alerts.set(i, true)
if enabled_time.get(i)
if bar_index[1] < time_line.get_x1() and bar_index >= time_line.get_x1()
time_alerts.set(i, true)
for i = 0 to 2
if bar_index[1] < current_box.body_x.get(x_target_value.get(i)).get_x1() and bar_index >= current_box.body_x.get(x_target_value.get(i)).get_x1()
if polarity
if close[1] < current_box.body_y.get(y_target_value.get(i)).get_y2() and close >= current_box.body_y.get(y_target_value.get(i)).get_y2()
target_alert.set(i, true)
if close[1] > current_box.body_y.get(y_target_value.get(i)).get_y2() and close <= current_box.body_y.get(y_target_value.get(i)).get_y2()
target_alert.set(i, true)
plotshape(show_crosses and level_alerts.some() and active and polarity, "Fibonacci Level Cross Over", shape.circle, location.belowbar, colors.get(math.max(0, level_alerts.indexof(true))))
plotshape(show_crosses and level_alerts.some() and active and not polarity, "Fibonacci Level Cross Under", shape.circle, location.abovebar, colors.get(math.max(0, level_alerts.indexof(true))))
plotshape(show_target_hit and target_alert.some() and active and polarity, "Target Hit", shape.cross, location.belowbar, target_hit_color)
plotshape(show_target_hit and target_alert.some() and active and not polarity, "Target Hit", shape.cross, location.abovebar, target_hit_color)
alertcondition(level_alerts.get(0) and active and polarity, "Cross Over 0 Level")
alertcondition(level_alerts.get(1) and active and polarity, "Cross Over 0.236 Level")
alertcondition(level_alerts.get(2) and active and polarity, "Cross Over 0.382 Level")
alertcondition(level_alerts.get(3) and active and polarity, "Cross Over 0.5 Level")
alertcondition(level_alerts.get(4) and active and polarity, "Cross Over 0.618 Level")
alertcondition(level_alerts.get(5) and active and polarity, "Cross Over 0.786 Level")
alertcondition(level_alerts.get(6) and active and polarity, "Cross Over 1 Level")
alertcondition(level_alerts.get(0) and active and not polarity, "Cross Under 0 level")
alertcondition(level_alerts.get(1) and active and not polarity, "Cross Under 0.236 level")
alertcondition(level_alerts.get(2) and active and not polarity, "Cross Under 0.382 level")
alertcondition(level_alerts.get(3) and active and not polarity, "Cross Under 0.5 level")
alertcondition(level_alerts.get(4) and active and not polarity, "Cross Under 0.618 level")
alertcondition(level_alerts.get(5) and active and not polarity, "Cross Under 0.786 level")
alertcondition(level_alerts.get(6) and active and not polarity, "Cross Under 1 level")
alertcondition(time_alerts.get(0) and active, "Cross 0 Time")
alertcondition(time_alerts.get(1) and active, "Cross 0.236 Time")
alertcondition(time_alerts.get(2) and active, "Cross 0.382 Time")
alertcondition(time_alerts.get(3) and active, "Cross 0.5 Time")
alertcondition(time_alerts.get(4) and active, "Cross 0.618 Time")
alertcondition(time_alerts.get(5) and active, "Cross 0.786 Time")
alertcondition(time_alerts.get(6) and active, "Cross 1 Time")
alertcondition(target_alert.get(0) and active, "Target 1 Hit")
alertcondition(target_alert.get(1) and active, "Target 2 Hit")
alertcondition(target_alert.get(2) and active, "Target 3 Hit")
if active and (open > current_top_value or open < current_bottom_value or bar_index > current_end_idx) and barstate.isconfirmed
active := false