Higher Timeframe High & Low
May 27, 2024

For free use on the TradingView platform

The Higher Timeframe High & Low Indicator plots key levels (high, low, and average price) from a higher timeframe onto the current chart, aiding traders in identifying significant support and resistance zones.

The indicator also detects and labels breakout points and can display trend directions based on these higher timeframe levels breakout points.

Key Features:

◆ Higher Timeframe Levels:

Plots the high, low, and average price from a selected higher timeframe onto the current chart.

Extends these levels into the future for better visualization.

◆ Breakout Detection:

Identifies and labels breakouts above the higher timeframe high or below the higher timeframe low.

Breakout points are clearly marked with labels indicating "High Break" or "Low Break" with timeframe mark.

If the following break out type is the same that previous, it does not marked by labels, but still marked by bar color.

◆ Trend Visualization:

Optionally displays trend direction by changing bar colors and line styles based on breakout conditions.

Trend indication helps in identifying bullish or bearish market conditions.

◆ Support and Resistance Indication:

Marks support and resistance points with '◆' symbols when the current timeframe's high or low interacts with the higher timeframe's levels.

◆ Period separation:

Background color changes to indicate period separation if enabled.

// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © ChartPrime

indicator(title='Higher Timeframe High & Low [ChartPrime]', 
          shorttitle='H/L HTF [ChartPrime]', 
          max_lines_count = 2, 
          max_labels_count = 10

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{
extension  = input.int(50, "Extension to the right of High and Low", group = "Settings")
timeframe  = input.timeframe("D", "timeframe", tooltip = "Use Higher Timeframe then Current", group = "Settings")

separator  = input.bool(false, "Period Separator")
show_trend = input.bool(false, "Show Trend?")
show_break = input.bool(false, "Show Breakout Labels?")

// Variables Declaration
var color color = na
color color1    = na
var bool check  = na

color colorDn   = #d41919
color colorUp   = #13b818

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{
// To avoid differences on historical and realtime bars: 
// returns a value from the higher timeframe on the bar after it completes:
indexHighTF = barstate.isrealtime ? 1 : 0
indexCurrTF = barstate.isrealtime ? 0 : 1

pricehigh   = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, timeframe, high[indexHighTF])[indexCurrTF]
pricelow    = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, timeframe,  low[indexHighTF])[indexCurrTF]
price_avg   = math.avg(pricelow, pricehigh)

high_break = ta.crossover(close, pricehigh)
low_break  = ta.crossunder(close, pricelow)

// BreakOuts Checker (to avoid multiple labels) and color change
    high_break => check := true,  color1 := colorUp, color := colorUp
    low_break  => check := false, color1 := colorDn, color := colorDn

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{
// BreakOut labels
if high_break and check[1] == false and show_break
    label.new(x = bar_index, y = low*0.99, 
             text = timeframe + "\nHigh Break",
             style = label.style_label_up,
             textcolor = chart.fg_color, 
             color = #0e4e11, 
             size = size.small

if low_break and check[1] == true and show_break

    label.new(x = bar_index, y = high*1.01, 
             text      = timeframe + "\nLow Break", 
             style     = label.style_label_down, 
             textcolor = chart.fg_color, 
             color     = #6e1414, 
             size      = size.small

// High and Low plots from HTF
change_hl = not ta.change(pricehigh) or not ta.change(pricelow)

ph = plot(series    = change_hl and not show_trend ? pricehigh : show_trend ? pricehigh : na, 
          title     ='High', 
          style     = plot.style_linebr, 
          linewidth = 2, 
          color     = not show_trend ? colorDn : color.new(colorDn, 80)

pm = plot(series   = change_hl and not show_trend ? price_avg : show_trend ? price_avg : na, 
         title     ='L & H Avg', 
         style     = show_trend ? plot.style_stepline_diamond : plot.style_circles, 
         linewidth = 1, 
         color     = show_trend ? color.new(chart.fg_color, 90) : color.new(chart.fg_color, 50)

pl = plot(series    = change_hl and not show_trend ? pricelow  : show_trend ? pricelow : na,
          title     = 'Low', 
          style     = plot.style_linebr,  
          linewidth = 2, 
          color     = not show_trend ? colorUp : color.new(colorUp, 80)

// Plot triangles if High or Low weren't broken
plotchar(series   = ta.crossunder(high, pricehigh), 
         title    = "Resistance", 
         char     = "◆", 
         location = location.abovebar, 
         offset   = -1, 
         color    = colorDn, 
         size     = size.tiny

plotchar(series   = ta.crossover(low, pricelow), 
         title    = "Support",
         char     = "◆", 
         location = location.belowbar,
         offset   = -1, 
         color    = colorUp, 
         size     = size.tiny

// Extension High and Low to a future
if barstate.islast

    label.new(point = chart.point.from_index(bar_index + extension, pricehigh), 

              text      = "⮪ " + timeframe + " High", 
              style     = label.style_label_left, 
              textcolor = chart.fg_color, 
              color     = colorDn, 
              size      = size.normal

    label.new(point = chart.point.from_index(bar_index + extension, pricelow),

              text      = "⮨ " + timeframe + " Low",  
              style     = label.style_label_left, 
              textcolor = chart.fg_color, 
              color     = #158d19, 
              size      = size.normal

if change_hl and barstate.islast

    h_Left         = chart.point.from_index(bar_index,           pricehigh)
    h_Right        = chart.point.from_index(bar_index+extension, pricehigh)

    line.new(h_Left, h_Right, color = colorDn, style = line.style_solid, width = 2)

    l_Left         = chart.point.from_index(bar_index,           pricelow)
    l_Right        = chart.point.from_index(bar_index+extension, pricelow)

    line.new(l_Left, l_Right, color = colorUp, width = 2)

    m_Left         = chart.point.from_index(bar_index,           math.avg(pricelow, pricehigh))
    m_Right        = chart.point.from_index(bar_index+extension, math.avg(pricelow, pricehigh))

    line.new(m_Left, m_Right, 
                 color = chart.fg_color, 
                 width = show_trend ? 1 : 2, 
                 style = show_trend ? line.style_solid : line.style_dotted

// BreakOut Bar Color of Trend Color
barcolor(show_trend ? color : color1)

bgcolor(separator ? (not change_hl
                      ? color.new(chart.fg_color, 90): na) 
                      : na

// Fill OB and OS Zones
fill(plot1        = ph,
     plot2        = pl,
     top_value    = pricehigh,
     bottom_value = pricelow, 
     top_color    = not show_trend ? color.new(colorDn, chart.bg_color == color.white ?  80 : 92) : na,
     bottom_color = not show_trend ? color.new(colorUp, chart.bg_color == color.white ?  80 : 92) : na

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}

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