Linear Regression Oscillator
June 11, 2024

For free use on the TradingView platform

Linear Regression Oscillator Indicator


The Linear Regression Oscillator is a custom TradingView indicator designed to provide insights into potential mean reversion and trend conditions. By calculating a linear regression on the closing prices over a user-defined period, this oscillator helps identify overbought and oversold levels and highlights trend changes. The indicator also offers visual cues and color-coded price bars to aid in quick decision-making.

Key Features:

◆ Customizable Look-Back Period:

Input: Length

Default: 20

Description: Determines the period over which the linear regression is calculated. A longer period smooths the oscillator but may lag, while a shorter period is more responsive but may be noisier.

◆ Overbought and Oversold Thresholds:

Inputs: Upper Threshold and Lower ThresholdDefault: 1.5 and -1.5 respectivelyDescription: Define the upper and lower bounds for identifying overbought and oversold conditions. Values outside these thresholds suggest potential reversals.

◆ Candlestick Color Plotting:

Input: Plot Bar Color

Default: false

Description: Option to color the price bars based on the oscillator's value, providing a visual representation of market conditions. Bars turn cyan for positive oscillator values and blue for negative.

◆ Mean Reversion and Trend Signals:

Visual markers and labels indicate when the oscillator suggests mean reversion or trend changes, aiding in identifying key market turning points.

◆ Invalidation Levels:

Tracks the highest and lowest prices over a recent period to set levels where the current trend signal would be considered invalidated.

◆ Gradient Color Coding:

Utilizes gradient color coding to enhance the visualization of oscillator values, making it easier to interpret overbought and oversold conditions.

◆ Usage Notes:

  • Setting the Look-Back Period:
    Adjust the "Length" input based on the timeframe and the type of trading you are conducting. Shorter periods are more suited for intraday trading, while longer periods can be used for swing trading.
  • Interpreting Thresholds:
    Use the upper and lower threshold inputs to fine-tune the sensitivity of the overbought and oversold signals. Higher absolute values reduce the number of signals but increase their reliability.
  • Candlestick Coloring:
    Enabling the "Plot Bar Color" option can help quickly identify the current state of the oscillator in relation to the zero line. This visual aid can be particularly useful in fast-moving markets.
  • Mean Reversion and Trend Signals:
    Pay attention to the symbols and labels on the chart indicating mean reversion and trend changes. These signals are designed to highlight potential entry and exit points.
  • Invalidation Levels:
    Use the plotted invalidation levels as stop-loss or signal invalidation points. If the price moves beyond these levels, the current trend signal is likely invalid.

This indicator helps traders identify overbought and oversold conditions, potential mean reversions, and trend changes based on the linear regression of the closing prices over a specified look-back period.

// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © ChartPrime

indicator("Linear Regression Oscillator [ChartPrime]", overlay=false, max_labels_count = 500)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{
int length   =, "Length")
float upper  = input.float(1.5,  "Upper Threshold", step = 0.1)
float lower  = input.float(-1.5, "Lower Threshold", step = 0.1)

bool candles = input.bool(false, "Plot Bar Color")

color col_up = #10cab8
color col_dn =

// Source
series float source = close[barstate.isconfirmed ? 0 : 1]

// Max and Min prices for Invalidation Levels (period 5 bars back)
var lowest              =
var highest             =
var series float points = na

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{
//@function Calculation of slope and intercept
//@param length LookBack Period
//@returns  Linear Regression Oscillator
linear_regression_osc(int length)=>
    n      = length
    sum_x  = 0.0
    sum_y  = 0.0
    sum_xy = 0.0
    sum_x_squared = 0.0

    for i = 0 to n - 1
        sum_x         := sum_x + i
        sum_y         := sum_y + source[i]
        sum_xy        := sum_xy + i * source[i]
        sum_x_squared := sum_x_squared + i * i

        m = (n * sum_xy - sum_x * sum_y) / (n * sum_x_squared - sum_x * sum_x)
        c = (sum_y - m * sum_x) / n

        linear_regression = ((m * bar_index + c)*-1)

// Calculate linear regression Oscillator
linear_regression = linear_regression_osc(length)

// Normaliztion
linear_regression := (linear_regression - ta.sma(linear_regression, 100)) / ta.stdev(linear_regression, 100)

// Conditions of Mean Reversion and Trends
cond1  = ta.crossunder(linear_regression, 0)
cond2  = ta.crossover( linear_regression, 0)

cond_1 = ta.crossunder(linear_regression, linear_regression[2]) 
         linear_regression > upper ? linear_regression[1] : na

cond_2 = ta.crossover(linear_regression, linear_regression[2]) 
         linear_regression < lower ? linear_regression[1] : na

// Invalidation Price Levels 
lowest. push(low)

    lowest.size() > 5 => lowest.shift(), highest.shift()

    cond1 => points := highest.max()
    cond2 => points := lowest. min()

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{
// Defined Colors
color = linear_regression > 0 
         ? color.from_gradient(linear_regression, 0, 2, color(na), col_up) 
         : color.from_gradient(linear_regression, -2, 0, col_dn, color(na)) 
color1= linear_regression > 0 
         ? color.from_gradient(linear_regression, 0, 2, color(na),, 50)) 
         : color.from_gradient(linear_regression, -2, 0,, 50), color(na)) 
color2= linear_regression > 0 
         ? color.from_gradient(linear_regression, 0, 1, color(na), col_up) 
         : color.from_gradient(linear_regression, -1, 0, col_dn, color(na)) 
// Plot Oscillator
plot(linear_regression, color = color, style = plot.style_area)

// Zero Line
plot(0, color = color1, linewidth = 2)

// Upper and Lower Thresholds
p1 = plot(upper, display = display.none)
p3 = plot(lower, display = display.none)
p4 = plot(-4,    display = display.none)
p2 = plot(4,     display = display.none)

fill(p1, p2, 4, upper, na,, 75))
fill(p3, p4, lower, -4,, 75), na)

if barstate.islast
    l1 =, upper, str.tostring(upper), 
               style = label.style_diamond, size = size.tiny, textcolor = chart.fg_color, color = col_up)
    l2 =, lower, str.tostring(lower), 
               style = label.style_diamond, size = size.tiny, textcolor = chart.fg_color, color = col_dn)
// Oscillator Mean Reversion above or below Thresholds
plotchar(cond_1, "", "◇", 
         color = col_dn, 
         location = location.absolute, 
         size = size.small, 
         offset = -1
plotchar(cond_2, "", "◇", 
         color = col_up, 
         location = location.absolute, 
         size = size.small, 
         offset = -1
// Oscillator Crosses zero Line
plotchar(cond1 ? 0 : na, "", "◆", 
         color =, 0),
         location = location.absolute, 
         size = size.tiny, 
         offset = -1
plotchar(cond2 ? 0 : na, "", "◆",
         color =, 0), 
         location = location.absolute, 
         size = size.tiny, 
         offset = -1

// Trend Labels on the chart
    cond2 =>, low), "▲", 
                       style         = label.style_label_up, 
                       textcolor     = col_up, 
                       size          = size.large, 
                       color         = color(na), 
                       force_overlay = true
    cond1 =>, high), "▽", 
                       style         = label.style_label_down, 
                       textcolor     = col_dn, 
                       size          = size.large, 
                       color         = color(na), 
                       force_overlay = true
// Meant Reversion Labels on the chart
    cond_2 =>, low),
                       text          = "◆\nReversion",
                       style         = label.style_label_up, 
                       textcolor     = col_up, 
                       size          = size.normal, 
                       color         = color(na), 
                       force_overlay = true
    cond_1 =>, high), 
                       text          = "Reversion\n◆",
                       style         = label.style_label_down, 
                       textcolor     = col_dn, 
                       size          = size.normal, 
                       color         = color(na), 
                       force_overlay = true

// Invalidation Price Levels 
plot(not ta.change(points) ? points : na, 
         color          = color2, 
         linewidth      = 2, 
         style          = plot.style_linebr, 
         force_overlay  = true

if ta.change(points), points[1]), 
                       text          = "Invalidation\nLevel",
                       style         = label.style_label_left, 
                       textcolor     = linear_regression < 0 ? col_up : col_dn, 
                       size          = size.small, 
                       color         = color(na), 
                       force_overlay = true

// Candles Color
candle_col = candles ? (linear_regression < 0 ? col_dn : col_up) : na
plotcandle(open, high, low, close,
             title = "Color Candles", 
             color = candle_col, 
             bordercolor = candle_col, 
             wickcolor = candle_col, 
             force_overlay= true

//◆ ♢ ❖ ◇ ⬖
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}

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