May 8, 2024

For free use on the TradingView platform


Traders can use the Liquidations indicator to:

◈ Identify liquidity grab opportunities: Liquidation levels often attract price action as market participants with leveraged positions face the risk of forced liquidation. Traders can anticipate price movements as the market aims to trigger these stops, potentially leading to rapid price movements or reversals.

◈ Confirm trend strength: A cluster of liquidation levels in the same direction as the prevailing trend may confirm the strength of the trend, while divergences between liquidation levels and price movements may signal potential trend reversals.


◈ Previous Value Bars Back: Specifies the number of previous bars used in calculating the liquidation levels.

◈ Show Leverage: Allows users to selectively display liquidation levels for different leverage multiples, including 5x, 10x, 25x, 50x, and 100x.

◈ Liquidation Levels Width: Sets the width of the lines representing liquidation levels on the chart.

◈ Short Liquidations Color: Specifies the color of the lines representing short liquidation levels.

◈ Long Liquidations Color: Specifies the color of the lines representing long liquidation levels.

◈ Bar Color: Sets the color of the background bar when the indicator is active.

Visual Representation:

◈ Liquidation levels are plotted as horizontal lines on the chart, with different colors representing short and long liquidation levels.

◈ Each liquidation level is labeled with the corresponding leverage multiple (e.g., 5x, 10x, etc.).A dashboard displays the active liquidation levels for each leverage multiple, allowing traders to quickly assess the current market conditions.

◈ Time Window allows users to cut off unnecessary part of the chart and concentrate on a current active part of the chart to make better trading decisions:

Market participants tend to place stop-loss orders near liquidation levels, creating clusters of pending orders. As price approaches these levels, it may trigger a cascade of stop-loss orders, providing liquidity for market orders and potentially leading to rapid price movements in the opposite direction.
Traders can anticipate price reversals or accelerations as price interacts with liquidation levels, using them as reference points for identifying potential entry or exit opportunities.

While the Liquidations indicator provides valuable insights into market dynamics, traders should use it in conjunction with other technical analysis tools and risk management strategies to make informed trading decisions.

May 8

Release Notes:

Fixed Percent distance from low and high pivot points

// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © ChartPrime

indicator('Liquidations [ChartPrime]', overlay = true, max_lines_count = 500)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool after_time     = input.time(timestamp("2023-01-01")) < time

int timePeriodMean  =, "Lookback Period")

bool _5          = input.bool(true, 'Show 5x Leverage', group='Show Leverage')
bool _10         = input.bool(true, 'Show 10x Leverage', group='Show Leverage')
bool _25         = input.bool(true, 'Show 25x Leverage', group='Show Leverage')
bool _50         = input.bool(true, 'Show 50x Leverage', group='Show Leverage')
bool _100        = input.bool(true, 'Show 100x Leverage', group='Show Leverage')

int lines_width   =, 'Liquidation Levels width', group = "Visual")
color col_up      = input.color(#22ab94, "Short Liquidations Color", group = "Visual")
color col_dn      = input.color(#f7525f, "Long Liquidations Color",  group = "Visual")
color barcolor    = input.color(color.lime, "Bar Color", group = "Visual")

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Pivot Points 
// @Used to spot price reversal, potential places for stop losses
pivotLeft  = timeframe.isdwm ? 2 : 3
pivotRight = timeframe.isdwm ? 2 : 3

// pivot high/low
pivotHigh = ta.pivothigh(high, pivotLeft, pivotRight)
pivotLow  = ta.pivotlow(low, pivotLeft, pivotRight)

// Volume Calculations Function
// @Returns bool values for certain leverages when volume above certain means
liqudation(volume_, timePeriodMean)=>

    avg      = math.avg(ta.highest(volume_, timePeriodMean), ta.lowest(volume_, timePeriodMean))
    avgMean  = ta.sma(avg, timePeriodMean+10)

    _100x = avg >= 1.2   * avgMean
    _50x  = avg >= 1.1   * avgMean
    _25x  = avg >= 1.05  * avgMean
    _10x  = avg >= 1.025 * avgMean
    _5_x  = avg > avgMean

    [_100x, _50x, _25x, _10x, _5_x]

[_100x, _50x, _25x, _10x, _5_x] = liqudation(volume, timePeriodMean)

// Plot Line
line(_x1, _x2, _y, _lineColor, _style, _width) =>, y1=_y, x2=_x2, y2=_y, color=_lineColor, style=_style, width=_width)

// Extend Lines Function
extendLine(_lineArray) =>
    if array.size(_lineArray) > 0
        for _i = array.size(_lineArray) - 1 to 0 by 1

            x2 = line.get_x2(array.get(_lineArray, _i))
            yValue = line.get_y1(array.get(_lineArray, _i))

            if bar_index - 1 == x2 and not(high > yValue and low < yValue)
                line.set_x2(array.get(_lineArray, _i), bar_index)

// Liquidation Lines 
// @Function to plot Liquidation Lines with limited amount to 500
level(_1, y, x_, array_lines, colorUp, colorDn, lines_width)=>

    line l = na

    // Percent at which position is liquidated
    percentRisk =   y == 5  ? 0.20 // 20%
                  : y == 10 ? 0.10 // 10%
                  : y == 25 ? 0.04 //  4%
                  : y == 50 ? 0.02 //  2%
                  : y == 100? 0.01 //  1%
                  : 0

    if _1 and after_time

        if not na(pivotLow) and x_
            l := line( bar_index[pivotRight], 
                       low[pivotRight] / (1 + percentRisk),

            if array.size(array_lines) == 500

            array.push(array_lines, l)

        if not na(pivotHigh) and x_
            l := line( bar_index[pivotRight], 
                       high[pivotRight] * (1 + percentRisk), 

            if array.size(array_lines) == 500

            array.push(array_lines, l)


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Arrays of Liquidation Levels lines
var Array_5   = array.new_line()
var Array_10  = array.new_line()
var Array_25  = array.new_line()
var Array_50  = array.new_line()
var Array_100 = array.new_line()

// Show 5x, 10x, 25x, 50x, 100x Liquidation Leverages
level(_5, 5, _5_x, Array_5,,90),,90), lines_width)
level(_10, 10, _10x, Array_10,,80),,80), lines_width)
level(_25, 25, _25x, Array_25,,70),,70), lines_width)
level(_50, 50, _50x, Array_50,,60),,60), lines_width)
level(_100, 100, _100x, Array_100,,50),,50), lines_width)

// BackGround Color and BarColor
bgcolor(after_time  == false ?, 95) : na)
barcolor(after_time == false ? na : barcolor)

// DashBoard of Active Liquidation Levels
var tbl =, 10, 10)
table.cell(tbl, 0, 0, "Active\nLiquidation Levels", text_color =, 50))
table.cell(tbl, 0, 1, "5X", text_color = chart.fg_color),
 table.cell(tbl, 1, 1, "⬤", text_color = _5 ? color.lime : #4caf4f33, text_size = size.large)
table.cell(tbl, 0, 2, "10X", text_color = chart.fg_color),
 table.cell(tbl, 1, 2, "⬤", text_color = _10 ? color.lime : #4caf4f33, text_size = size.large)
table.cell(tbl, 0, 3, "25X", text_color = chart.fg_color),
 table.cell(tbl, 1, 3, "⬤", text_color = _25 ? color.lime : #4caf4f33, text_size = size.large)
table.cell(tbl, 0, 4, "50X", text_color = chart.fg_color),
 table.cell(tbl, 1, 4, "⬤", text_color = _50 ? color.lime : #4caf4f33, text_size = size.large)
table.cell(tbl, 0, 5, "100X", text_color = chart.fg_color),
 table.cell(tbl, 1, 5, "⬤", text_color = _100 ? color.lime : #4caf4f33, text_size = size.large)

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