Monte Carlo Future Moves
February 7, 2024

For free use on the TradingView platform


Prior to the the advent of the Monte Carlo method, examining well-understood deterministic problems via simulation generally utilized statistical sampling to gauge uncertainty estimations. The Monte Carlo (MC) approach inverts this paradigm by modeling with probabilistic metaheuristics to address deterministic problems. Addressing Buffon's needle problem, an early form of the Monte Carlo method estimated π (3.14159) by dropping needles on a floor. Later, the modern MC inception primarily began when Stanislaw Ulam was playing solitaire games while experiencing illness and recovery.

Ulam further developed, applied, and ascribed "Monte Carlo" as a classified code name to maintain a level of secrecy for the modern method applications during collaborative investigations on neutron diffusion and collision intricacies with John von Neumann. Despite having relevant data, physicist's conventional deterministic mathematical methods were unable to solve mysterious "neutronion problems". Monte Carlo filled in the gaps necessary to resolve this perplexing neutron problem with innovative statistics, and the resilient MC continues onward to have diverse application in many fields of science. MC also extends into the realm of relevance within finance.


Building on its historical roots, the Monte Carlo method's transition into finance opened new avenues for risk assessment and predictive analysis. In financial markets, characterized by uncertainty and complex variables, this method offers a powerful tool for simulating a wide range of scenarios and assessing probabilities of different outcomes. By employing probabilistic models to predict price movements, the Monte Carlo method helps in creating more resilient and informed trading strategies. This approach is particularly valuable in options pricing, portfolio management, and risk assessment, where understanding the range of potential outcomes is crucial for making sound investment decisions. Our indicator utilizes this methodology, blending traditional financial analysis with advanced statistical techniques.


The Monte Carlo Future Moves (ChartPrime) indicator is designed to predict future price movements. It simulates various possible price paths, showing the likelihood of different outcomes. We have designed it to be simple to use and understand by displaying lines indicating the most likely bullish and bearish outcomes. The arrows point to these areas making it intuitive to understand. Also included is extreme price levels shown in blue and yellow. This is the most likely extreme range that the price will move to. The outcome distribution is there to show you the range of outcomes along with a visual representation of the possible future outcomes. To make things more user friendly we have also included a representation of this distribution as a background heatmap. The brighter the price level, the more likely the price will end at that level. Finally, we have also included a market bias indication on the side that shows you the general bullish/bearish probabilities.


To use this indicator you want to first assess the market bias. From there you want to target the most likely polar outcome. You can use the range of outcomes to assess your risk and set a stop within a reasonable range of the desired target. By default the indicator projects 10 steps into the future, however this can be easily adjusted in the settings. Generally this indicator excels at mid-term estimations and may yield inconclusive results if the prediction period is too short or too long. You can change the granularity of the outcomes to give you a more or less detailed view of the future. That being said, a lower resolution can make the predictions less useful while a higher resolution can give you a less useful picture. If you decide to use a higher resolution we have included an option to smooth the final result. This is intended to reduce the uncertainty and noise in the predicted outcomes. It is advised to use the minimum level of smoothing possible as a high level of smoothing will greatly reduce the accuracy.


Derivative Source changes how the indicator sees the price movements. When you set this to Candle it will use the difference between the open and close of each candle. If set to Move, it will use the difference between closing prices. If you are in a market with gaps, you might want to use Candle as this will prevent the indicator from seeing gaps.

Number of Simulations is a crucial setting as it is the core of this indicator. This determines the number of simulations the indicator will use to get its final result. By default it is set to 1000 as we feel like that is around the minimum number of simulations required to get a reasonable output while maintaining stability. In tests the maximum number of simulations we have been able to consistently achieve is 2000.

Lookback is the number of historical candles to account for. A lookback that is too short will not have enough data to accurately assess the likelihood of a price movement, while a period that is too large can make the data less relevant. By default this is set to 1000 as we feel like this is a reasonable tradeoff between volume of data and relevance.

Steps Into Future is the prediction period. By default we have picked a period of 10 steps as this has a good balance between accuracy and usability. The more steps into the future you go, the more uncertain the future outcome will be.

Outcome Granularity controls the precision of the simulated outcomes. By default this is set to 40 as its a good balance between resolution and accuracy.

Outcome Smoothing allows you to smooth the outcome distribution. By default this is set to 0 as it is generally not needed for lower resolutions. Smoothing levels beyond 2 are not recommended as it will negatively impact the output.

Returns Granularity controls the level of definition in the collected price movements. This directly impacts indicator performance and is set to 50 by default because its a good balance between fidelity and usability. When this number is too small, the simulations will be less accurate while numbers too large will negatively impact the probabilities of the movements.

Drift is the trend component in the simulation. This adds the directionality of the simulations by biasing the movements in the current direction of the market. We have included both the standard formula for drift and linear regression. Both methods are well suited for simulating future price movements and have their own advantages. The drift period is set to 100 by default as its a good balance between current and historical directionality. You may want to increase or decrease this number depending on the current market conditions but it is advised to use a period that isn't too small. If your period is too small it can skew the outcomes too much resulting in poor performance. When this is set to 0 it will use the same period as your lookback.

Volatility Adjust, adjusts the simulation to include current volatility. This makes sure that the price movements in the simulation reflects the current market conditions better by making sure that each price move is at least a minimum size.

Returns Style allows you to pick between using percent moves and log returns. We have opted to make percent move the default as it is more intuitive for beginners however both settings yield similar results. Log returns can be less cpu intensive so it might be desirable for longer term predictions.

Precision adjusts the rounding of used when collecting the frequency of price movement sizes. By default this is set to 4 as its is fairly accurate without impacting performance too much. A larger number will make the indicator more precise but at the cost of cpu time. Precision levels that are too small can greatly reduce the accuracy of the simulation and even break the indicator all together.

Update Every Bar allows you to recalculate the prediction every bar and is there for you if you want to strictly use the market bias. It is not recommended to enable this feature but it is there for flexibility.

Side of Chart allows you to pick what side of the price action you want the visuals to be on. When its set to the right everything will be to the right of the starting point and when its set to Left it will position everything to the left of the starting point.

Move Visualization is there to give you an arrow to the most likely bullish and bearish moves. It is meant as a visual aid and visualization tool. The color of these arrows use the same colors as the distribution.

Most Likely Move is a horizontal line that indicates the most likely move. It is positioned in the same location as the Move Visualization.

Standard Deviation is horizontal lines at the extremities of the simulated price action. These represent the most likely range of the future outcomes. You can adjust the multiplier of the standard deviation but by default it is set to 2.

Most Likely Direction is a vertical bar that shows you the sum of the up and down probabilities. It is there to show you the bias of the outcomes and guide you in decision making.

Max Probability Zone is a horizontal line that highlights the location of the highest probability move. You can think of it almost like the POC in a volume distribution but in this case it is the "most likely" single outcome.

Outcome Distribution allows you to toggle the distribution on or off. This is the distribution of all of the simulated outcomes. You can toggle the scale width of the distribution to fit your visual style.

Distribution Text toggles the probability text inside of the distribution bars. When you have a large number for the outcome granularity this text may not be visible and you may want to disable this feature.

Background is a heatmap of the outcome distribution. This allows you to visualize the underlying distribution without the need for the distribution histogram. The brighter the color, the more likely the outcome is for that level. It can be useful for visualizing the range of possible outcomes.

Starting Line is simply a horizontal line indicating the starting point of the simulation. It just the opening price for the starting position.

Extend Lines allows you to extend the lines and background past the prediction period.


With its intuitive visuals and flexible settings, the Monte Carlo Future Moves (ChartPrime) indicator is practice and easy to use. It brings clarity to price movement predictions, helping you to build confidence in your strategies. This indicator not only reflects the evolution of technical analysis but also touches on data-driven insights.


// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © ChartPrime
indicator("Monte Carlo Future Moves [ChartPrime]", max_boxes_count=500, max_lines_count=500, max_bars_back=5000, overlay=true)

prng(series float seed, series int _range=100) =>
    var float random = 1.0
    random :=   ((3.1415926 * random %   seed) * 271.828) % _range
    float new_seed = ((seed * 1.618) % _range) + random
    [random, new_seed]

method probability(series float[] self, series int idx, series float sum) => self.get(idx) / sum * 100.0

percent    (series float   end, series float   start) => (end -   start) / start
add_percent(series float value, series float percent) => (1.0 + percent) * value

log_returns    (series float   end, series float       start) => math.log(end / start)
add_log_returns(series float value, series float log_returns) => math.exp(log_returns) * value

returns    (series float   end, series float   start, simple bool style) => style ?     percent(  end,   start) :     log_returns(  end,   start)
add_returns(series float value, series float returns, series bool style) => style ? add_percent(value, returns) : add_log_returns(value, returns)

method add        (series int[] self, series int     idx, series int     value=1) => self.set(idx, self.get(idx) + value)
method add_to_dist(series int[] self, series float value, series float bin_width) => self.add(int(math.abs(value) / bin_width), 1)

method normal_value( series float[] self,
                     series int      idx,
                     simple int    scale,
                     simple bool  invert=true) =>
    float  min = self.min()
    int normal = int((self.get(idx) - min) * (scale - 1) / (self.max() - min)) + 1
    if invert
        normal := scale - normal

sinc(series float source, series float bandwidth) =>
    float omega = math.pi * source / bandwidth
    source != 0.0 ? math.sin(omega) / omega : 1.0

type move
    int[]  polarity
    int[]  up
    int[]  down
    float  bin_width
    float  extreme
    float  drift
    string drift_style
    bool   return_style
    float  vol

slope(series int length) =>
    float sumx  = 0.0
    float sumy  = 0.0
    float sumx2 = 0.0
    float sumxy = 0.0
    for int i = 0 to length - 1
        float src = close[i]
        int idx_1 = i + 1
        sumx     += idx_1
        sumy     += src
        sumx2    += math.pow(idx_1, 2)
        sumxy    +=    src * idx_1
    float slope = -((length * sumxy - sumx * sumy) / (length * sumx2 - sumx * sumx))

standard_drift(series int length) => 
    float log_return  = math.log(close / close[1])
    float log_return2 = math.pow( log_return,  2 )
    float vari = 0.0
    float mean = 0.0
    for int i = 0 to length - 1
        mean += log_return[ i]
        vari += log_return2[i]
    mean /= length
    vari /= length * 2
    float drift = mean - vari

drift(series int length, simple string style) =>
    switch style
        "Standard"          => standard_drift(length)
        "Linear Regression" =>          slope(length)
        =>                     0.0 // "None"

volatility_adjustment(series float source, simple int length, simple bool enable) =>
    float vol_adj = ta.sma(math.sqrt(math.sum(math.pow(source, 2), length) / (length - 1)), length) * 0.5
    if not enable
        vol_adj := 0.0

moves(simple int       precision,
      simple int            bins,
      simple int        lookback,
      simple string  drift_style,
      simple int    drift_length,
      simple string       source,
      simple bool   return_style,
      simple int           steps,
      simple bool volatility_adj) =>
    array polarity        =       2, 0)
    array delta_up_dist   = + 1, 0)
    array delta_down_dist = + 1, 0)
    float      last = source=="Move" ? close[1] : open
    float       ret = returns(close, last, return_style)
    int    rounding = precision + (return_style ? 6 : 2)
    float     delta = math.round(ret, rounding)
    float   volatil = volatility_adjustment(ret, steps, volatility_adj)
    float   extreme = math.max(math.abs(ta.highest(delta[1], lookback)),
                               math.abs(ta.lowest (delta[1], lookback)))
    float     drift = drift(drift_length == 0 ? lookback : drift_length, drift_style)
    float bin_width = extreme / bins
    if barstate.islast
        for int i = 1 to lookback
            if close[i] <= last[i]
                add_to_dist(delta_down_dist, delta[i], bin_width)
                add_to_dist(delta_up_dist, delta[i], bin_width), delta_up_dist, delta_down_dist, bin_width, extreme, drift, drift_style, return_style, volatil)

method idx_to_percent(series move     self,
                      series int     index,
                      series float volatil,
                      simple bool polarity) =>
    (polarity ? 1 : -1) * (index * self.bin_width + volatil)

monte_carlo(series move moves, series float seed, simple int steps) =>
    array monte =
    float    over_seed = seed
    int   polarity_sum = moves.polarity.sum()
    int   moves_up_sum = moves.up.sum()
    int   moves_dn_sum = moves.down.sum()
    if moves.up.max() > 0 and moves.down.max() > 0
        for int i = 0 to steps - 1
            [polarity_random, polarity_seed] = prng(over_seed)
            over_seed := polarity_seed
            if moves.polarity.probability(0, polarity_sum) >= polarity_random 
                int moves_up_size_1 = moves.up.size() - 1
                [move_random, move_random_seed] = prng(over_seed, moves_up_size_1)
                over_seed      := move_random_seed
                int  up_index   = int(move_random)
                bool move_found = false
                while not move_found
                    if  up_index > moves_up_size_1
                        up_index := 0
                    if moves.up.get(up_index) == 0
                        up_index += 1
                    [move_find_random, move_find_seed] = prng(over_seed)
                    over_seed := move_find_seed
                    if moves.up.probability(up_index, moves_up_sum) >= move_find_random 
                        monte.set(i, moves.idx_to_percent(up_index, moves.vol, true))
                        move_found := true
                        up_index += 1
                int moves_down_size_1 = moves.down.size() - 1
                [move_random, move_random_seed] = prng(over_seed, moves_down_size_1)
                over_seed      := move_random_seed
                int  down_index = int(move_random)
                bool move_found = false
                while not move_found
                    if  down_index > moves_down_size_1
                        down_index := 0
                    if moves.down.get(down_index) == 0
                        down_index += 1
                    [move_find_random, move_find_seed] = prng(over_seed)
                    over_seed := move_find_seed
                    if moves.down.probability(down_index, moves_dn_sum) >= move_find_random 
                        monte.set(i, moves.idx_to_percent(down_index, moves.vol, false))
                        move_found := true
                        down_index += 1
    [monte, over_seed]

add_drift(series float value, series float drift, series string style) =>
    switch style
        "Standard"          => add_log_returns(value, drift)
        "Linear Regression" => value + drift
        =>                     value // "None"

sim(series move moves, series float seed, simple int steps) =>
    float simulation = open
    [movements, _seed] = monte_carlo(moves, seed, steps)
    for int i = 0 to steps - 1
        simulation := add_drift(add_returns(simulation, movements.get(i), moves.return_style), moves.drift, moves.drift_style)
    [simulation, _seed]

sinc_filter(series array source, simple float length) =>
    var float length_1 = length + 1.0
    if length > 0.0 and source.size() > 0
        int source_size   = array.size(source)
        int source_size_1 = source_size - 1
        array est  =
        for int i = 0 to source_size_1
            float sum  = 0.0
            float sumw = 0.0
            for int j = 0 to source_size_1
                float weight =  sinc(i - j, length_1)
                sum  += weight * array.get(source, j)
                sumw += weight
            float current_price = sum / sumw
            array.set(est, i, current_price >= 0.0 ? current_price : 0.0)

monte_carlo_distribution(series move moves,
                         series float seed,
                         simple int   bins,
                         simple int  steps,
                         simple int   sims) =>
    array< int > distribution =< int >(bins + 1, 0)
    array sim_outcomes =
    var int sims_1  = sims - 1
    float sum_stdev = 0.0
    float    reseed = seed
    for int i = 0 to sims_1
        [simulation, seed_sim] = sim(moves, reseed, steps)
        reseed    := seed_sim
        sum_stdev += math.pow(simulation - open, 2)
    float sim_lowest  = sim_outcomes.min()
    float sim_highest = sim_outcomes.max()
    float bin_width   = (sim_highest - sim_lowest) / bins
    float avg_idx_up  = 0.0
    float sum_idx_up  = 0.0
    float avg_idx_dn  = 0.0
    float sum_idx_dn  = 0.0
    for int i = 0 to sim_outcomes.size() - 1
        float outcome = sim_outcomes.get(i)
        int idx = int((outcome - sim_lowest) / bin_width)
        if outcome > open
            avg_idx_up += idx
            sum_idx_up += 1
            avg_idx_dn += idx
            sum_idx_dn += 1
    float avg_up   = avg_idx_up   / sum_idx_up
    float avg_dn = avg_idx_dn / sum_idx_dn
    float stdev    = math.sqrt(sum_stdev / sims)
    [distribution, bin_width, sim_lowest, sim_highest, avg_up, avg_dn, stdev, reseed]

draw_distribution(series move           moves,
                  series float           seed,
                  series bool     orientation,
                  simple int             bins,
                  simple int            steps,
                  simple int      simulations,
                  simple int            scale,
                  simple bool        avg_move,
                  simple float      deviation,
                  simple bool    enable_stdev,
                  simple bool     enable_bias,
                  simple bool      background,
                  simple color max_bear_color,
                  simple color min_bear_color,
                  simple color max_bull_color,
                  simple color min_bull_color,
                  simple color dev_high_color,
                  simple color  dev_low_color,
                  simple color     text_color,
                  simple bool    extend_lines,
                  simple bool     outcomes_on,
                  simple bool    text_on_dist,
                  simple string  move_help_on,
                  simple bool    max_expected,
                  simple float      smoothing,
                  simple bool      start_line,
                  simple color    start_color) =>
    var array< box>     dist =< box>()
    var array avg_line =
    var string    xtend_line = extend_lines ? extend.left : extend.none
    const color    invisible = #00000000
    int offset    = steps
    int direction = orientation ? 1 : -1
    int position  = orientation ? 0 : offset
    int width     = (scale + offset) * direction
    [_monte, bin_width, lowest_sim, highest_sim, avg_idx_up, avg_idx_down, stdev, _seed] = monte_carlo_distribution(moves, seed, bins, steps, simulations)
    array monte = sinc_filter(_monte, smoothing)
    float max_freq  = monte.max()
    float half_bin  = bin_width * 0.5
    float variation = stdev * deviation
    float dev_up    =               open + variation
    float dev_down  = math.max(0.0, open - variation)
    float avg_up    = avg_idx_up   * bin_width + lowest_sim
    float avg_down  = avg_idx_down * bin_width + lowest_sim
    if avg_line.size() > 0
        for int i = avg_line.size() - 1 to 0
    if dist.size() > 0 
        for int i = dist.size() - 1 to 0
    int x2 = outcomes_on ?  width + bar_index :
             orientation ? offset + bar_index :
                               -1 + bar_index
    if max_expected
        float expected       = monte.indexof(max_freq) * bin_width + lowest_sim
        color expected_color = expected > open ? min_bull_color : min_bear_color
        avg_line.push( + position, expected, x2, expected, color=expected_color, style=line.style_solid,  extend=xtend_line, width=2))

    if enable_stdev
        avg_line.push( + position, dev_up,   x2, dev_up,   color=dev_high_color, style=line.style_dotted, extend=xtend_line, width=2))
        avg_line.push( + position, dev_down, x2, dev_down, color=dev_low_color,  style=line.style_dotted, extend=xtend_line, width=2))
        if   move_help_on == "Deviation Range"
          or move_help_on == "Both"
            avg_line.push(, open, bar_index + offset, dev_up,   color=dev_high_color, style=line.style_arrow_right))
            avg_line.push(, open, bar_index + offset, dev_down, color=dev_low_color,  style=line.style_arrow_right))
    if avg_move
        avg_line.push( + position, avg_up,   x2, avg_up,   color=min_bull_color, style=line.style_dashed, extend=xtend_line, width=2))
        avg_line.push( + position, avg_down, x2, avg_down, color=min_bear_color, style=line.style_dashed, extend=xtend_line, width=2))
        if   move_help_on == "Expected"
          or move_help_on == "Both"
            avg_line.push(, open, bar_index + offset, avg_up,   color=min_bull_color, style=line.style_arrow_right))
            avg_line.push(, open, bar_index + offset, avg_down, color=min_bear_color, style=line.style_arrow_right))
    if start_line
        avg_line.push( + position, open, x2, open, color=start_color, extend=xtend_line))
    float polarity = 0.0
    float monte_sum = monte.sum()
    for int i = 0 to monte.size() - 1
        float top    = (1 + i) * bin_width + lowest_sim - half_bin
        float bottom =      i  * bin_width + lowest_sim - half_bin
        float center = math.avg(top, bottom)
        int   value  = monte.normal_value(i, scale)
        float prob   = monte.probability(i, monte_sum) 
        if center < open
            polarity += prob
        color grad_color = if center >= open
            float upper = highest_sim - half_bin
            color.from_gradient(center, open, upper, min_bull_color, max_bull_color)
            float lower = lowest_sim + bin_width * 0.5
            color.from_gradient(center, lower, open, max_bear_color, min_bear_color)
        if prob > 0.0 and outcomes_on
            int left   = bar_index + (value + offset) * direction
            string txt = text_on_dist ? str.tostring(math.round(prob, 2)) + "%" : ""
            dist.push(, top, bar_index + width, bottom, text=txt, border_color=invisible, bgcolor=grad_color, text_color=text_color))
        if background
            int left  = bar_index + position
            int right = outcomes_on ? (value + offset) * direction + bar_index :
                                              orientation ? offset + bar_index :
                                                               -1  + bar_index
            var string ext = extend_lines ? (orientation ? extend.left : extend.right) : extend.none
            color bg_color = color.from_gradient(monte.get(i), 0.0, max_freq,, 99),, 75))
            dist.push(, top, right, bottom, invisible, bgcolor=bg_color, extend=ext))
    if enable_bias
        int left     = outcomes_on ?  width + bar_index :
                       orientation ? offset + bar_index :
                                         -1 + bar_index
        int right    = left + 2 * direction
        float bottom = lowest_sim - half_bin
        float div    = (highest_sim + half_bin - (lowest_sim - half_bin)) * (polarity / 100.0)
        dist.push(, highest_sim + half_bin, right, div + bottom, border_color=invisible, bgcolor=min_bull_color, text="🢁\n\n" + str.tostring(math.round(100.0 - polarity, 2)) + "%", text_color=text_color))
        dist.push(,      bottom + div,      right,       bottom, border_color=invisible, bgcolor=min_bear_color, text=str.tostring(math.round(        polarity, 2)) + "%" + "\n\n🢃", text_color=text_color))

string source = input.string("Candle", "Derivative Source", options=["Candle", "Move"], tooltip="Candle uses the difference between Close and Open. Move uses the difference between the current close and the previous close.")

string controls = "Primary Controls"
int simulations =  ( 500, "Number of Simulations", group=controls, minval= 50, step=  50, tooltip="This adjusts the number of simulations the indicator will preform. A larger number is alway preferable but isn't always feasible. The larger the number the more accurate the indicator will be.")
int    lookback =  ( 500,              "Lookback", group=controls, minval= 50, step=  50, tooltip="This determines the number of historical candles to take into account. A larger number will allow for more detail in the simulation but will also make it less relevant.")
int       steps =  (  10,     "Steps Into Future", group=controls, minval=  2, step=   1, tooltip="This determines the number of steps into the future to predict. The further into the future you go, the more resources it will utilize. potentially resulting in the indicator not loading.")
int        bins =  (  50,   "Outcome Granularity", group=controls, minval= 10, step=   5, tooltip="This is the number of rows in the final distribution of simulations. This determines the granularity of the final result.")
float smoothing = input.float(1.75,     "Outcome Smoothing", group=controls, minval=0.0, step=0.25, tooltip="Smooth the distribution of the outcomes. When its set to 0 it will not apply smoothing.")
int granularity =  (  25,   "Returns Granularity", group=controls, minval=  5, step=   5, tooltip="This adjusts the granularity of the distribution of price movements. A larger number can be more accurate but it will sacrifice loading time.")

string  adjustments = "Additional Adjustments"
int    drift_length =   (           34,             "Drift", group=adjustments, inline="drift", minval=0)
string  drift_style = input.string(   "Standard",            "Style:", group=adjustments, inline="drift", options=["Linear Regression", "Standard", "None"], tooltip="Drift adds trend to the simulation. Without drift, the simulation will assume a trendless market. Linear Regression uses linear regression to determine trend while Standard Drift uses a volatility degraded average return.\n\nBoth are excellent options and are generally very similar. Set this to 0 to use the same window size as the lookback. A shorter period will use the short term trend while a longer period will use a longer term trend.")
bool volatility_adj = input.bool  (         true, "Volatility Adjust", group=adjustments,            tooltip="Adjust the simulation to include the current volatility of returns. This will prevent the simulation from underestimating the variance in movements.")
bool   return_style = input.string("Log Returns",     "Returns Style", group=adjustments, options=["Percent", "Log Returns"], tooltip="Percent uses % change for the calculations while Log Returns uses log returns for the calculations.") == "Percent"
int       precision =   (            4,         "Precision", group=adjustments,  minval=1, tooltip="Precision lets you adjust the level of rounding for the price movements. A smaller number will be faster but it will sacrifice accuracy.")
bool wait_for_steps = input.bool  (        false,  "Update Every Bar", group=adjustments,            tooltip="Enable this to update the prediction on every bar.")

string      visuals = "Visual Preferences"
bool    orientation = input.string("Right",         "Side of Chart", group=visuals, options=["Right", "Left"], tooltip="Choose which side of the chart you want the indicator on.") == "Right"
string move_help_on = input.string( "Both",    "Move Visualization", group=visuals, options=["Expected", "Deviation Range", "Both", "None"])
bool       avg_move = input.bool  (   true,      "Most Likely Move", group=visuals, tooltip="This plots the most likely up and down move for the current estimation period. These may be used as targets for your trade.")
bool   enable_stdev = input.bool  (   true,    "Standard Deviation", group=visuals,  inline="stdev")
float     deviation = input.float (    1.0,                      "", group=visuals,  inline="stdev", minval=0.0, step=0.5, tooltip="This is the range in which most of the simulations fall between. It acts as a prediction level for a  volatile move.")
bool    enable_bias = input.bool  (   true, "Most Likely Direction", group=visuals, tooltip="This shows you the sum of up and down probabilities. It allows you to quickly see what the likelihood of a move in either direction is.")
bool   max_expected = input.bool  (   true,  "Max Probability Zone", group=visuals, tooltip="This highlights the area with the largest outcome probability.")
bool    outcomes_on = input.bool  (   true,  "Outcome Distribution", group=visuals,  inline="dist")
int           scale =   (     30,                      "", group=visuals,  inline="dist", minval=10, tooltip="Enable to display the distribution of outcomes. Adjust this changes the horizontal length of the distribution.")
bool   text_on_dist = input.bool  (   true,     "Distribution Text", group=visuals, tooltip="Enable outcome probabilities to be show in the distribution.")
bool     background = input.bool  (   true,            "Background", group=visuals, tooltip="Display a background of the distribution for the duration of the prediction interval.")
bool     start_line = input.bool  (   true,         "Starting Line", group=visuals, tooltip="Show the starting point of the simulation.")
bool   extend_lines = input.bool  (   true,          "Extend Lines", group=visuals, tooltip="Extend the lines and background.")

string      coloring = "Color Preferences"
color max_bear_color = input.color(#FFA0CC,     "Bearish Colors     ", group=coloring, inline="bear")
color min_bear_color = input.color(#FF22CC,                        "", group=coloring, inline="bear")
color max_bull_color = input.color(#00FFFF,    "Bullish Colors      ", group=coloring, inline="bull")
color min_bull_color = input.color(#0066FF,                        "", group=coloring, inline="bull")
color dev_high_color = input.color(#FFB617, "Deviation Color - High:", group=coloring, inline="dev" )
color dev_low_color  = input.color(#2672ff,                    "Low:", group=coloring, inline="dev" )
color start_color    = input.color(#7E7E7E,        "Start Line Color", group=coloring)
color text_color     = input.color(#FFFFFF,              "Text Color", group=coloring)

move rand_moves = moves(precision, granularity, lookback, drift_style, drift_length, source, return_style, steps, volatility_adj)
var float seed = 1
[_, re_seed] = prng(seed)
seed := re_seed

if barstate.islast 
    var int counter = -1
    if counter == -1
        int bar_index_1 = bar_index + 1
        if bar_index_1 < lookback
            runtime.error('Please use a "Lookback" input setting that is less than: ' + str.tostring(bar_index))
        if bar_index_1 < drift_length
            runtime.error('Please use a "Drift" input setting that is less than: '    + str.tostring(bar_index))
    counter += 1
    bool once = counter == 0 ? true : barstate.isconfirmed
    bool wait = not wait_for_steps ? 0 == counter % steps and once :
                                     0 == counter or barstate.isconfirmed
    if wait
        seed :=  draw_distribution(rand_moves, seed, orientation, bins, steps, simulations, scale, avg_move, deviation, enable_stdev, enable_bias,
                                   background, max_bear_color, min_bear_color, max_bull_color, min_bull_color, dev_high_color, dev_low_color, text_color,
                                   extend_lines, outcomes_on, text_on_dist, move_help_on, max_expected, smoothing, start_line, start_color)

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