Support and Resistance (High Volume Boxes)
May 23, 2024

For free use on the TradingView platform

Support and Resistance (High Volume Boxes)

◆ Overview:

The "Support and Resistance" indicator identifies key support and resistance levels using pivot points and volume analysis. It visually represents these levels with dynamically colored boxes, indicating the strength of the volume. This helps traders recognize potential price reversals and key zones for buy and sell opportunities.◆ Key Features:

  • Dynamic Support and Resistance Boxes:
    The indicator plots support and resistance boxes based on pivot points and volume above threshold for positive volume boxes and below lower threshold for negative volume boxes.
    Box colors change from transparent to more intense based on volume, reflecting the strength of support or resistance.

  • Volume-Based Color Coding:
    Boxes are color-coded based on the amount of volume:
    Green boxes indicate support levels with positive volume.
    Red boxes indicate resistance levels with negative volume.

Hold Signals:

Green diamonds (◆) indicate when support holds, signaling potential buy opportunities.

Red diamonds (◆) indicate when resistance holds, signaling potential sell opportunities.

Breakout Labels:

If the price falls below a support level, that level will become resistance. If the price rises above a resistance level, it will often become support. As the price moves past a level of support or resistance, it is thought that supply and demand has shifted, causing the breached level to reverse its role.Labels "Break Sup" and "Break Res" are displayed when support or resistance levels are broken, indicating significant market movements.

◆ Break Resistance:

◆Break Support:

◆ Usage Notes:
This indicator helps traders identify strong support and resistance levels, offering visual cues for potential price reversals.
By analyzing volume at these levels, traders can gauge the strength of these zones and make more informed trading decisions.

Adaptive Box Width:
The width of the boxes adapts to different timeframes, ensuring consistent visualization across various chart intervals. (use the "Adjust Box Width" input if needed)

◆ Settings:

  • Lookback Period: The number of bars to look back for pivot points.
  • Delta Volume Filter Length: The length of the volume filter for more accurate volume analysis.
  • Adjust Box Width: Adjusts the width of the support and resistance boxes. (Higher input, thinner box)

This indicator is designed to enhance your trading by providing clear visual cues for support and resistance levels based on volume, making it easier to spot potential price reversals and key trading opportunities.

// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © ChartPrime

indicator("Support and Resistance (High Volume Boxes) [ChartPrime]", shorttitle = "SR Breaks and Retests [ChartPrime]", overlay=true, max_boxes_count = 50)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{
int   lookbackPeriod =, "Lookback Period", minval=1, group = "Settings")
int   vol_len        =, "Delta Volume Filter Length", tooltip = "Higher input, will filter low volume boxes"
                                                                                                   , group = "Settings")
float box_withd      = input.float(1, "Adjust Box Width", maxval = 1000, minval = 0, step = 0.1)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{
// Delta Volume Function
upAndDownVolume() =>
    posVol = 0.0
    negVol = 0.0
    var isBuyVolume = true    

        close > open   => isBuyVolume := true
        close < open   => isBuyVolume := false

    if isBuyVolume
        posVol += volume
        negVol -= volume

    posVol + negVol

// Function to identify support and resistance boxes
calcSupportResistance(src, lookbackPeriod) =>
    // Volume
    Vol    = upAndDownVolume()
    vol_hi = ta.highest(Vol/2.5, vol_len)
    vol_lo = ta.lowest(Vol/2.5, vol_len)

    var float supportLevel      = na
    var float supportLevel_1    = na    
    var float resistanceLevel   = na
    var float resistanceLevel_1 = na    
    var box   sup               = na
    var box   res               = na
    var color res_color         = na
    var color sup_color         = na    
    var float multi             = na

    var bool  brekout_res       = na
    var bool  brekout_sup       = na
    var bool  res_holds         = na
    var bool  sup_holds         = na

    // Find pivot points
    pivotHigh = ta.pivothigh(src, lookbackPeriod, lookbackPeriod)
    pivotLow  = ta.pivotlow (src, lookbackPeriod, lookbackPeriod)
    // Box width
    atr       = ta.atr(200)
    withd     = atr * box_withd

    // Find support levels with Positive Volume
    if (not na(pivotLow)) and Vol > vol_hi 

        supportLevel   := pivotLow
        supportLevel_1 := supportLevel-withd       

        topLeft         = chart.point.from_index(bar_index-lookbackPeriod, supportLevel)
        bottomRight     = chart.point.from_index(bar_index, supportLevel_1)

        sup_color      := color.from_gradient(Vol, 0, ta.highest(Vol, 25), color(na),, 30))

        sup :=
                       top_left     = topLeft, 
                       bottom_right = bottomRight, 
                       border_color =, 
                       border_width = 1, 
                       bgcolor      = sup_color, 
                       text         = "Vol: "+str.tostring(math.round(Vol,2)), 
                       text_color   = chart.fg_color, 
                       text_size    = size.small

    // Find resistance levels with Negative Volume
    if (not na(pivotHigh)) and Vol < vol_lo
        resistanceLevel   := pivotHigh
        resistanceLevel_1 := resistanceLevel+withd

        topLeft            = chart.point.from_index(bar_index-lookbackPeriod, resistanceLevel)
        bottomRight        = chart.point.from_index(bar_index, resistanceLevel_1)

        res_color         := color.from_gradient(Vol, ta.lowest(Vol, 25), 0,, 30), color(na))

        res :=
                       top_left     = topLeft, 
                       bottom_right = bottomRight, 
                       border_color =, 
                       border_width = 1, 
                       bgcolor      = res_color, 
                       text         = "Vol: "+str.tostring(math.round(Vol,2)), 
                       text_color   = chart.fg_color, 
                       text_size    = size.small

    // Adaptive Box Len

    // Break of support or resistance conditions
    brekout_res := ta.crossover(low, resistanceLevel_1)
    res_holds   := ta.crossunder(high, resistanceLevel)

    sup_holds   := ta.crossover(low, supportLevel)
    brekout_sup := ta.crossunder(high, supportLevel_1)

    // Change Color of Support to red if it was break, change color of resistance to green if it was break
    if brekout_sup
        sup.set_bgcolor(, 80))

    if sup_holds

    if brekout_res
        res.set_bgcolor(, 80))
        res.set_border_color(, 0))

    if res_holds
        res.set_border_color(, 0))

    [supportLevel, resistanceLevel, brekout_res, res_holds, sup_holds, brekout_sup]

// Calculate support and resistance levels and their breakouts
                         brekout_sup] = calcSupportResistance(close, lookbackPeriod)

// Check if Resistance become Support or Support Become Resistance
var bool res_is_sup = na
var bool sup_is_res = na

    brekout_res => res_is_sup := true
    res_holds   => res_is_sup := false

    brekout_sup => sup_is_res := true
    sup_holds   => sup_is_res := false

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{
// Plot Res and Sup breakouts and holds 
plotchar(res_holds, "Resistance Holds", "◆", 
             color = #e92929,   size = size.tiny, location = location.abovebar, offset = -1)
plotchar(sup_holds, "Support Holds",    "◆", 
             color = #20ca26, size = size.tiny, location = location.belowbar, offset = -1)

plotchar(brekout_res and res_is_sup[1], "Resistance as Support Holds", "◆", 
             color = #20ca26, size = size.tiny, location = location.belowbar, offset = -1)
plotchar(brekout_sup and sup_is_res[1], "Support as Resistance Holds", "◆", 
             color = #e92929,   size = size.tiny, location = location.abovebar, offset = -1)

// Break Out Labels
if brekout_sup and not sup_is_res[1]
              bar_index[1], supportLevel[1], 
              text       = "Break Sup", 
              style      = label.style_label_down, 
              color      = #7e1e1e, 
              textcolor  = chart.fg_color, 
              size       = size.small

if brekout_res and not res_is_sup[1]
              bar_index[1], resistanceLevel[1], 
              text       = "Break Res", 
              style      = label.style_label_up, 
              color      = #2b6d2d, 
              textcolor  = chart.fg_color, 
              size       = size.small

// ◆
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}

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