Volume Positive & Negative Levels
June 24, 2024

For free use on the TradingView platform

The Volume Positive & Negative Levels indicator by ChartPrime is designed to provide traders with a clear visualization of volume activity across different price levels. By plotting volume levels as histograms, this tool helps identify significant areas of buying (positive volume) and selling (negative volume) pressure, enhancing the ability to spot potential support and resistance zones.

Key Features:

Lookback Period:

  • - The `lookbackPeriod` parameter, set to 500 bars, determines the range over which the volume analysis is conducted, ensuring a comprehensive view of the market’s volume activity. The maximum lookback period is 500 bars or the bars currently visible on the chart, whichever is smaller.

Dynamic Volume Calculation:

  • - Volume is calculated dynamically based on the price action, with positive volume indicating buying pressure (close > open) and negative volume indicating selling pressure (close < open).

Color Coding for Clarity:

  • - Positive Volume: Represented with a distinct color (`#ad9a2c`), making it easy to identify areas of buying interest.
  • - Negative Volume: Highlighted with another color (`#ad2cad`), simplifying the detection of selling pressure.

Volume Threshold and Bins:

  • - The indicator allows users to set a volume threshold (`volume_level`) to highlight significant volume levels, with the default set at 70.
  • - The number of bins (`numBins`) defines the granularity of the volume profile, with a higher number providing more detail.

Volume Profile Visualization:

  • - The volume profile is plotted as a histogram, with the height of each bar proportional to the volume at that price level. This visualization helps in quickly assessing the strength of volume at various price points.

Interactive Labels and Threshold Indicators:

  • - Labels: The indicator uses labels to mark significant volume levels, providing quick reference points for traders.
  • - Threshold Lines: Lines are drawn at specified volume thresholds, with colors and widths dynamically adjusted based on the volume levels.

User Inputs:

  • - Volume Threshold (`volume_level`): Sets the minimum volume required to highlight significant levels.
  • - Number of Bins (`numBins`): Determines the resolution of the volume profile.
  • - Line Width (`line_withd`): Specifies the width of the lines used in the visualization.

The Volume Positive & Negative Levels indicator is a powerful tool for traders looking to gain deeper insights into market dynamics. By providing a clear visual representation of volume activity across different price levels, it helps traders identify key support and resistance zones, spot trends, and make more informed trading decisions. Whether you are a day trader or a swing trader, this indicator enhances your ability to analyze volume data effectively, improving your overall trading strategy.

// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © ChartPrime

indicator("Volume Positive & Negative Levels [ChartPrime]",
          overlay             = true,
          max_polylines_count = 100, 
          max_bars_back       = 500, 
          max_lines_count     = 500,
          max_labels_count    = 500)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{
int volume_level  = input.int(70, "Volume Threshold") // Threshold for significant volume levels
int numBins       = input.int(500, "Number of Bins") // Number of bins for volume profile
int line_withd    = input(2, "Line Width") // Line width for drawing

int lookbackPeriod = 500 // Lookback period for analysis
float high_        = ta.highest(100) // Highest price over 100 bars

// Colors for positive and negative volume
var color color_up = #c4ab21 
var color color_dn = #c421c4 

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{
// Determine if the current bar is within the visible range and lookback period
bool isAllowed = time >= chart.left_visible_bar_time and (last_bar_index - bar_index) < lookbackPeriod

// Set background color based on whether the current bar is allowed
bgcolor(isAllowed ? na : #36597533)

// Calculate the highest and lowest prices over 5000 bars
highestPrice = ta.highest(5000)
lowestPrice  = ta.lowest (5000)

// Calculate the bin size for volume profile
binSize = (highestPrice - lowestPrice) / numBins

// Initialize arrays to store volume for each bin and points for drawing
var float[] volumeBins = array.new_float(numBins, 0)
var points1            = array.new()
var points2            = array.new()

// @function        Draws a polyline connecting the points in the provided array with specified color and width
// @param points    (array) Array of points to connect with a polyline
// @param color     (color) Color of the polyline
// @returns         (void)
method draw_polyLine(array  points, color)=>
                 curved     = false, 
                 line_color = color, 
                 line_width = line_withd)

// @function        Draws a line between two chart points with specified color and width
// @param point_1   (chart.point) Starting point of the line
// @param point_2   (chart.point) Ending point of the line
// @param color     (color) Color of the line
// @param width     (int) Width of the line
// @returns         (void)
draw_Line(chart.point point_1, 
          chart.point point_2, color = chart.fg_color, width = 1)=>
    line.new(point_1, point_2,
             color = color, 
             width = width)

// @function        Draws a label at the specified point with given text, color, and style
// @param point     (chart.point) Location where the label should be drawn
// @param txt       (string) Text to display in the label
// @param color     (color) Text color of the label
// @param style     (label.style) Style of the label
// @returns         (void)
method draw_Lable(chart.point point, string txt = "", color = chart.fg_color, style = label.style_label_left)=>
    label.new(point, txt, 
              style     = style, 
              color     = color(na), 
              textcolor = color, 
              size      = size.large)

// Main logic for calculating volume profile
if isAllowed and barstate.isconfirmed
    for i = 0 to numBins - 1
        binLower = lowestPrice + i * binSize
        binUpper = binLower + binSize

        // Accumulate volume in the corresponding bin
        if ta.cross(close, binLower) and close < binUpper
            vol = close > open ? volume : -volume
            volumeBins.set(i, volumeBins.get(i) + vol)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{
// Plot the Volume Profile as a histogram
if barstate.islast and isAllowed
    for i = 0 to numBins - 1

        int   n        = bar_index + 150 // Offset for plotting points
        float binLower = lowestPrice + i * binSize
        float binUpper = binLower + binSize

        float volumeLevel = array.get(volumeBins, i)
        int   lineLength  = math.round((volumeLevel / array.max(volumeBins)) * 100 )

        // Define points for drawing
        chart.point point_zero      = chart.point.from_index(n, binLower)
        chart.point point_volume_1  = chart.point.from_index(n - lineLength, binLower)
        chart.point point_volume_2  = chart.point.from_index(n + lineLength, binLower)
        chart.point point_high      = chart.point.from_index(n - volume_level, high_)
        chart.point point_threshold = chart.point.from_index(n - volume_level, binLower)
        chart.point point_vol_level = chart.point.from_index(n - lookbackPeriod-150, binLower)

        // Positive volume
            volumeLevel > 0 =>


        // Negative Volume
            volumeLevel < 0 =>


        // Draw threshold line and label for significant volume levels
        if lineLength > volume_level
            color color = color.from_gradient(lineLength, 0, 250, color(na), color_up)
            draw_Line(point_threshold, point_vol_level, color, 10)
            point_zero.draw_Lable("+", color_up)

        if lineLength*-1 > volume_level
            color color = color.from_gradient(lineLength*-1, 0, 250, color(na), color_dn)
            draw_Line(point_threshold, point_vol_level, color, 10)
            point_zero.draw_Lable("-", color_dn)

        // Draw volume threshold line
        if volumeLevel > 0 or volumeLevel < 0
            draw_Line(point_threshold, point_high)

        // Label for volume threshold
        point_high.draw_Lable(str.tostring(volume_level), style = label.style_label_down)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}

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